6 April 2015

Unique Ways to Deliver Above and Beyond Customer Service

You’ve probably heard the phrase, ‘Wow your customer,’ but you are not really sure of how to go about doing that. Anyone can provide good customer service, but it takes a little something extra to provide outstanding, ‘wow-factor’ service. Here are some unique ways to deliver above and beyond customer service.

Create an awesome company culture

If you empower your employees, you give them the ability to be the best they can be. A powerful company culture that encourages employees to take personal responsibility for their customers will result in a big positive impact on the way your customers are served.

Offer live service, anytime

Nothing beats communicating with a real, live person when you have a problem, and giving your customers that opportunity 24 hours a day will definitely set you apart from the masses. Live chat via the telephone or even on your website will make it easy for your customers to get the help they need, when they need it, and they will appreciate that you’ve put their needs ahead of your own.

Aim to exceed customer expectations

Think about the last time you needed to utilize a company’s customer service department. What type of service did you expect, and what type did you get? From little things like offering free trials of your products to waiving certain fees for loyal customers, there are plenty of ways to provide better service than your customers are expecting. These ‘surprises’ will set you apart from everyone else, and have your customers telling the whole world about you.

Put your customers’ needs before your own convenience

The best way to stand out with your customer service is to simply put the needs of your customer above your own convenience. If there’s something your customer needs that you don’t typically offer, ask yourself if you could provide it. Something that’s really small to you, like providing a replacement product or spare part, could be huge to your customer.

If you can prioritize your customers’ needs, continually ask yourself if you could be doing more, and keep your employees challenged to provide the best service ever, you will be head and shoulders above your competitors when it comes to customer service.