13 September 2013

Does Your Company Need A Contact Centre?

The dilemma of making the decision to out source some or all of your inbound calls that come to your business can be a struggle.  I believe it starts with your placing the value on a human answering your phones.  We all hate be greeted by an automated attendant but most likely you like the cost advantages of an automated phone attendant.  I ask one simple question.  What does your customer want?

I am on the record for suggesting you put on your company balance sheet that a contact center be a cost of sales and not an administration expense.  It’s simple actually.  We talk to your customers.  Depending on the level of service a contact centre does for you it can be as simple as be reception and patching calls to your staff and their departments right up to placing orders in your software system. Where the savings come in is you only have to pay the contact center when they work for you.  Most providers charge by the call or by the minute.  So if you only need a part time customer service team the cost advantages are huge.  Perhaps you need a person and a half.  The contact centre makes a great half person to cover overflow and your customer does not even know they are speaking with an outsourced service.

For the sake of discussion, lets say that a staff person costs you $ 30,000 in Salary.  Then ad benefits and the cost per square foot for office space. Don’t forget the telephone and computers costs. It adds up very quickly. The contact center never calls in sick and they are on call to work for you 24/7.

Give a contact center a try.  Your customers will be glad you did.  So will your Sales Manager and Accounting Manager.   Thank you for calling Answer 365.  How may I help you?