16 February 2017

Avoid Taking Your Customers for Granted with These Tips

call-centre-current250pxThe worst thing you can do with your business is to take your customers for granted. Assuming that they’ll always be there, coming back no matter what you do, could set you up for major disaster. Luckily, it’s easy to avoid falling into this trap. Here are some easy ways to avoid taking your customers for granted.

Don’t assume you know what your customers need

Great customer service involves giving your customers what they really need, not what you think they need. Make sure you take the time to dig in and find out exactly what each customer needs before trying to solve their problems. Never assume you know better than your customers, even when it feels like that’s true.

Don’t limit your availability

If you think your customers will wait around for you to help them on your time, think again. You must make yourself available when your customers need you or you could risk losing them to your competitors. Thanks to call centres and virtual reception services, this is easy to do. Pay attention to the times when your customers need you most and make sure you provide the right level of care whenever it’s needed.

Don’t overlook loyalty

It’s not uncommon for businesses to mistakenly focus on catering to new customers. However, it typically costs your business more money to woo new customers than it does to keep your old ones happy. Don’t take loyal customers for granted–they won’t be loyal for long if you don’t give them a good reason to stick around. Whether it’s your stellar customer service or an occasional free gift, show loyal customers the appreciation they deserve.

Offer more

Make it a point to keep track of what your competitors are offering and find some way to offer more. Whether this means offering superior customer service or free products and services, you need to maintain a competitive advantage if you want your customers to remain loyal. It doesn’t have to be a lot more–even a small gesture can make a big impact–but you do need to stand out in your customer’s eyes.

Contact Answer 365 today for more information about improving your customer service.