28 April 2014

Benefits of Remote Phone Answering for Plumbers and Electricians

If you’re a plumber or an electrician, most of the work you do is outside of the office. When you’re not at your office on a regular basis, you end up missing calls from customers. Even if you offer customers your mobile phone number, there’s no guarantee you can answer the phone when you’re knee deep in a project. Also, if you’re solely responsible for both answering the phone and bringing in new business, fielding calls is just not always a practical approach to customer service.

Remote Phone Answering: A Practical Approach
What is practical? A remote phone answering service. A remote phone answering service can free up your schedule so that you’re more productive and work faster. Remote phone answering services work by getting your calls and answering the phone according to your set script. Expert representatives can then schedule appoints, give pricing information or refer client calls to you via text, email, fax or a direct call. When you work with a team like Answer 365, you know that your phone calls get answered around the clock.

Save Money, Make Money
Remote phone answering services are significantly less expensive than hiring a secretary. Why? With remote phone answering, you share resources with other companies that also need professional call answering without the expense of hiring, training and accommodating employees who work only for you. It’s the difference between renting a whole hotel or renting a hotel room: which option makes the most financial sense? Remote services can also help you make more money and crush the competition. If you get calls in the night, you can wake up with the information you need delivered straight to you (instead of your night calls going to some other plumber or electrician who happened to answer the phone).

If you’re a plumber or electrician who’s always on the road or at house-calls, you could save yourself hassle and money by contracting out your phone call answering to an expert call centre. Look for a centre that works with high-volume calls and has years of experience. Make more money – make more time – with remote phone answering services.