20 November 2013

Call Centres Aren‰Ûªt Only for Big Business

Believe it or not, call centres aren’t only for big business these days. A hundred years ago, customer service was often conducted by mail; today, however, modern customers want instant responses and quick execution. Keeping up with these fast-paced demands can prove difficult for small businesses; employing and supervising enough workers to complete the main work of the business in addition to providing great telephone customer service can prove challenging. One solution available to small business owners today is to work with a call centre or remote reception team that can handle the business’s phone calls professionally and efficiently. Let’s examine how small businesses can benefit from remote reception instead of relying on an on-site call centre.

As an increasingly popular business strategy, remote reception will help your business save time and money. If, for example, your business makes wedding cakes, chances are you and your employees are often away from the phone. You may have to leave the phone ringing sometimes or lose precious time answering the phone that would be better spent on baking. The time you spend answering the phone, answering basic questions and taking simple orders could be better spent on finishing your cakes. A call centre would be a way to still answer customer phone calls without the hassle of being interrupted by the phone. Using a call center is a win-win for many small businesses.

You can use a call centre as the main communications hub for your business. When you hire a call centre provider, you hire an experienced and professional team to handle the bulk of your business interactions for you. It’s cost-efficient, convenient and delivers the results small businesses want. Call centres give small business owners added peace of mind.

 As the phone is often the first impression new customers get of your business, a professional and informed voice on the other end of the line can make or break a business transaction. Call centres have the experience and training necessary to ensure that the people answering your customers’ phone calls are highly competent and able to communicate effectively with your customers. You don’t need to waste precious resources on hiring, training and supervising you staff as a call centre does all that for you. Your company’s image remains professional and service-oriented without your business having to sacrifice on labor to field phone calls.

Every phone call, especially in the current economic climate, that your business receives is important. You could hire extra employees to handle phone calls; however, the expense of doing so often outweighs its benefits. The time necessary to train and supervise new employees can also cost money in lost profits. The fact is that being available or hiring employees to be available for customer phone calls is often more hassle than it’s worth for businesses today.