1 August 2016

Top 5 Reasons Customers Leave Your Business

custservice3There are plenty of reasons why your customers might decide to up stakes and take their business elsewhere. Don’t think it can happen to you? Here are the top five reasons customers leave your business and what you can do about it.

They die

Approximately 1% of your average customer loss will be due to customer deaths. You can’t do anything about this loss, but it is a good reminder to appreciate your customers while you can!

They move away

Do your customers have to actually come to you to do business? If you aren’t offering them a way to do business from afar, you could be missing out on a lot of business.

They go to your competitors

Is your competitor offering your customers a better deal than they can get with you? You need to keep up with your competition and make sure that you’re offering your customers the best deals possible, or at least give them a reason to stay.

They don’t like what you’re selling

If your products or services don’t meet your customers’ needs, they’ll just go find some that do. It’s important to assess how well your products and services are meeting your customers’ needs because you may need to make changes if they aren’t. Or, you may need to target a different type of customer altogether.

They don’t feel appreciated

Poor customer service is the number one reason why you’re losing customers, but there is plenty that you can do about it. Pay attention to your customers’ concerns and needs. Make sure your customer service staff is highly trained to keep your customers happy and satisfied.

Customer satisfaction can’t be stressed enough when it comes to customer retention strategies. Customers just aren’t as loyal as they used to be–they don’t have to be. They know that they have plenty of options, and you’re just one fish in a big pond. You need to be the fish that stands out by offering great products and superior customer service, or your customers will end up being the ones that ‘get away.’.