17 April 2017

Healthier Customer Service

Healthier Customer ServiceWant to ensure you’re providing the best customer service possible? Well, then you’d better make sure that you’re taking care of yourself first. Customer service jobs can be stressful – long hours spent sitting at a desk, rushed lunch breaks, and high stress levels can all take a toll on your health. Here’s how you can stay healthier while working in customer service.

Get out of your chair

According to some health experts, sitting is as bad for you as smoking, so customer service staff should try to incorporate some movement in their days whenever possible. This can be done by taking quick walks throughout the day (which also help boost your energy and help you focus better).

You may even want to consider using standing desks or even desks with a treadmill if there is adequate space. Of course, you can’t really talk and run at the same time, but if your customer service is mostly online (typing responses to customer queries), it might be ideal.

Watch your posture

Back problems are rampant in customer service. This is another negative to sitting at a desk for hours on end, especially if you aren’t using good posture. Try using ergonomic chairs to keep your back and neck in alignment while you’re sitting. Also, set a timer to remind yourself to stand up and stretch every half hour to hour. This will help you become more aware of your posture so you can stop yourself from slouching too much.

Mind your diet

It can be tempting to grab fast food lunches or skip meals when you’re working at your desk all day, but don’t do that. Instead, try to keep healthy food choices on hand for snacks and meals. Not only will choosing healthy foods make you feel better, they could make you better at your job, too. If you feel sluggish, tired, bloated, and generally unwell from a poor diet, your mood is likely to suffer. But if you’re fueling your body with smart choices, you’ll be mentally better equipped to handle the stresses of the job.

Get enough rest

Fatigue makes it harder to provide great customer service. Do yourself a service and get enough quality sleep so you can feel your best for your customers.

For more tips and advice on providing excellent customer service, follow the Answer 365 blog.