20 November 2017

Customer Service Team Building Activity: Web of Details

team building activity - web of detailsThis team building activity is one you’ll definitely want to try. It’s special because it includes every member of your team, without breaking into smaller groups, and fosters relationship building based on personal similarities. This activity is focused more on the development of team morale than it is customer service skills, but can also shine a light on the fact that we all have at least one thing in common with everyone we interact with.

Activity: Web of Details

You’ll need: a group of 8 or more and a ball of yarn

How to play:

  1. Have everyone stand in a circle facing into the centre.
  2. Toss the ball of yarn to someone randomly.
  3. Have the person holding the ball of yarn state a fact about themselves (for example: “My favourite season is fall” or “I played soccer in high school”)
  4. Ask everyone who shares this statement to put their hands up.
  5. The person holding the yarn then tosses it to the first person they saw put their hand up, but hangs on to the end of the yarn, creating a line between them.
  6. Continue with statements from each person who holds the yarn until it is no longer a ball. Revealing a web-like example of the teams connectedness.

The lesson to share: Though we are all unique and seemingly different, there are many experiences and qualities that we share with everyone we work with, serve and engage with. Sharing the things that we have in common, and celebrating the things that make us different are how we build a strong and effective team.

An extra hint for supervisors and managers of this task: take notes! Remembering some of the facts you learn of your staff in this exercise will come in handy down the road.

Ideas adapted from this list of customer service team building activities: https://www.comm100.com/blog/customer-service-training-activities.html