23 January 2018

Tips for Dealing with Unhappy Customers on the Phone

Depositphotos 14723887 s-2015Customer service can be a stressful work environment. Even though answering customer service telephone calls may be seen as less stressful than dealing with customers face to face, it can still be a very stressful work environment, especially when your caller is unhappy. Fortunately, there are some ways you can take some of the stress out of dealing with angry callers. Here are some tips for dealing with unhappy customers on the telephone.

Don’t take it personally

Your angry caller isn’t angry at you, per se, but may be angry at your business or even just the situation. That doesn’t mean they won’t take their anger out on you, but try not to take it personally. Sometimes, an angry caller just needs to vent.

Try listening without replying. Let the customer say their piece, then respond with a helpful solution. Don’t interrupt the customer to offer the solution, though. Let them be heard, let them get their complaint out, then you can offer a solution when they’ve had their say.


It may sound cliche, but smiling when you speak makes your voice naturally more upbeat. It also relaxes your face and can ‰Û÷trick’ your brain into feeling more relaxed, even when a customer is barking down the phone at you. Try answering all your calls with a smile and a cheery tone. You may just diffuse an angry customer this way. At the very least, you’ll be able to keep your cool when your customer’s temper is hot.

Use your customer’s name

Using your customer’s name can be a powerful way to connect with them. First, it shows that you care enough to know who you’re speaking to during the call. Second, it help establishes a rapport with your customer. It lets them know that you are sincere in your desire to help them. If you simply refer to every caller as ‰Û÷sir or madam’ you risk coming across as insincere and clinical. Yield the power of your customer’s name wisely and it can help diffuse a tense situation.

For more tips on how to handle angry or difficult customers on the phone, visit the Answer 365 blog regularly.