12 March 2019

Delight Your Customers on the Phone

It’s become almost cliche to remind customer service representatives that they must ‘delight’ their customers, but in today’s busy world, it’s actually harder than ever to do just that. Today’s callers demand much more, but it’s still possible to leave them with a smile on their face. Here’s how you can delight your customers on the telephone.

Keep it relevant

As tempting as it may be to turn every call into an opportunity to sell something, most customers just want one thing–and that’s the one thing they’ve called you for. Focus on meeting each customer’s needs as specifically as you can, keeping the call relevant to their needs. This will help them feel like your focus is truly on them and not upselling your latest product or service.

If you happen to have a product or service that would genuinely help your customer, don’t be afraid to suggest it, but only if it really is in their best interest. This will show them that your truly care about their needs and keep them coming back for more.

Surprise them

If you’ve ever dreaded calling a company’s customer service line, you can empathize with your customer. After all, how are they to know whether they’ll get a grumpy, impatient representative on the line instead of a friendly, helpful one? Make a point to surprise your callers with your enthusiasm and charm. And go a step further by giving them something unexpected, like a free gift, ‘just because.’

Appeasing angry callers with a discount or freebie has become the norm, so why not surprise content customers with something extra for no reason other than to show appreciation? This is a surefire way to delight and grow customer loyalty, too.

Under promise, over deliver

One of the easiest ways to delight customers is to give better service than you promise to. This shows customers that they are your priority. If you tell customers they can expect a callback in a week, call them sooner than that. If you make grandiose promises that you can’t keep, you’ll anger and disappoint your customers. But if you deliver more than you said you would, they’ll be thrilled with your efforts.

For more great tips on providing delightful customer service, visit Answer 365 today.