23 December 2019

Looking Back On Your Year’s Customer Service

December is a great time to look back over the previous year and analyze how your customer service team has done. Are there things that you could have done differently? Maybe there are some things you did really well that you’d like to try again.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your end of year results from your customer service team.

Look for peaks in customer satisfaction

If you aren’t already asking your customers if they’re happy with your service, you should consider it. Keeping an eye on customer satisfaction throughout the year means you can both address problems as they occur and make the necessary changes to provide excellent customer service in the future.

Use your customer satisfaction data to pinpoint times when customers were either very happy or very dissatisfied. What happened during these times? What can you do to either encourage or prevent a repeat occurrence in the future?

Talk to your customer service team

Ask your customer service team members how they feel about the year’s results. Are they happy with the way things are going? Would they like additional training, support, or even more time off? Keeping a finger on the pulse of your employee satisfaction is just as important as keeping an eye on your customer satisfaction. A great customer service team isn’t just created by hiring new people–it takes fine-tuning and great management to get the results you want.

Listen to your customers

Customer feedback can be priceless. Take every opportunity to find out how your customers feel you are doing in providing customer service. Are they happy with their relationship with your business, or could things be better? Are they waiting too long to speak to your reps, or would they like the option to talk to someone on social media or via a chatbox on your website? Find out what their customer service needs are, then strive to meet them in the coming year.

Flexibility and innovation come from assessment and reaction, so make the most of your end of year data to create a better customer service experience for your customers in the years to come.

Answer 365 can help you give your customers a better experience through dedicated services. Call and speak to a friendly, knowledgeable representative today to see how we can help your business.