13 November 2018

Prepare for The Holiday Rush With Call Centre Services

The holiday season can see a spike in calls to your business. While this is great for your company, it can quickly become a disaster if you don’t have plan for emergencies and employee absences. Here are some simple tips to help you prepare for the holiday rush by using call centre services.

Plan ahead

Don’t wait until the last minute to make schedules or engage the services of a call centre. Look at your metrics from the previous year so you can anticipate call volume, then schedule your staff accordingly. Decide whether you want to use a call centre to catch overflow calls, or whether you want to direct all calls to the call centre during a certain time period. Knowing what sort of call volume to expect will help your staff stay more relaxed so they’ll provide better customer service all season long.

Have a plan for emergency staff shortages

Unfortunately, the holidays aren’t always jolly and bright. Unexpected bad weather may mean some of your employees can’t get to work, and if inclement weather impairs your office’s ability to handle calls, you need to have a backup plan in place. Also, cold and flu season can be unpredictable. Are you prepared to handle calls if one or more of your customer service team has to call in sick? The last thing you want is to leave your customers frustrated and waiting for someone to answer their call. Make sure you have a plan to provide customer service in these situations.

Help manage your customer service team’s stress

Stressed employees won’t provide the best customer service. Look at the workload that your employees have to handle and see if there are ways you can decrease their stress during the holidays. Maybe you want to bring in extra temporary staff for the holiday season. Or, you could utilize the services of a call centre to take some of the pressure off your customer service team during the busiest part of the season. Happy, stress-free employees will be ready to provide much better service to your customers, so it’s a win for both of you.

For more information on how a call centre can help your business this holiday season, call Answer 365 today.