10 March 2014

How Call Centre Appointment-Booking Services Are Good for Business

Call centre appointment-booking services are good for your business. If your business depends upon scheduling appointments, missing important calls could cost you significant money and a long-term relationship with a customer. Voicemail simply doesn’t cut it for many customers who want to speak with a person right away – and will simply move on to the next company that picks up their call. If you are in a profession in which you can’t be at the phone 24-7, it’s a good idea to put a system in place for ensuring your phone gets answered when you can’t be there.

Hiring a receptionist may make sense for your business, if you have more work for your receptionist than simply scheduling phones. If there isn’t much work, you may well end up paying a good amount for someone to do little more than answer the phone and take up space in your office (not to mention paying for training, time off and benefits). The good news is that, thanks to remote reception, you’re no longer stuck between the choice of paying someone to answer your phone full-time and missing out on important calls from clients and potential clients.

Remote reception, and appointment-booking services, can be a real life saver for the busy business professional that’s always on the go. Outsourcing your reception is both cost-effective and smart: you get professionally trained service representatives for a fraction of the normal cost. Using a call centre means the staff will answer the phone according to your script and your specifications. You, and the call centre, will both be able to access your scheduling calendar through the internet – so there aren’t any hidden surprises on your end and everything is kept completely easy and organized for you.

Appointment-booking and scheduling services will also go ahead and notify you if anything changes with an appointment, such as a reschedule or a cancellation. Just as you wouldn’t buy a whole building if you only needed an office, you don’t need to pay for a full-time receptionist if you just need someone to answer your phone and book appointments for you! Appointment-booking and scheduling services are a good idea for you, and for your customers.