17 February 2021

Our Top Customer Service Tips for Small Business Owners


Did you know the cost of acquiring a new customer is more than keeping a current customer? In fact, According to Harvard Business Review, “Depending on which study you believe, and what industry you’re in, acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.”

Losing just one customer can be costly to your business. In fact, keeping your customers happy and retaining their business will keep you in business! Increase your customer retention and watch your profits rise.

Here are our top customer service tips for small business owners

Actively Listen – Actively listen to your customers – take the time to hear them out. Let them know that you are listening and confirm key points with them. (repeat back key points – confirming you are listening).

Customers want to know you are listening and understand what their issue is. By actively listening you can resolve an issue or address a question or problem more efficiently.


Be Consistent in Your Customer Interactions – Do your employees answer the phone using the same script? Does your team know the most common questions or concerns your customers or clients have? By having a plan in place and some guidelines and policies for answering the phone you are creating a consistent experience for your customers and clients.

Provide Service with a Smile (Every Time) –  Customers know if you are smiling when you answer the phone. When talking on the phone your phone body language cannot be seen but customers can pick up quickly on tone of voice. Speaking clearly, using a positive tone (or empathetic when needed) and pausing when necessary is key to showing your customer that you CARE and that you are happy to help.

Recognize Your Mistakes & Correct Them – We all make mistakes! The key is recognizing them, acknowledging them and correcting them as soon as possible.

Be Proactive & Follow Up – When your customer has an issue that requires a solution make sure to explain what the next steps are and follow up (in a timely manner). Providing details on the next steps and how their issue will be resolved builds trust. Once the issue is resolved make sure you follow up with your customer to ensure they are satisfied.


Ask the Right Questions to Offer a Better Service (or product) – Do you reach out to your customers to gain valuable feedback on your products and services? If not, you may be missing out on opportunities to further connect with your customers. Don’t be afraid to ask questions that can help you improve your business, organization or product. Whether it is a simple survey or a few questions over the phone you may be surprised by new insights and valuable information you gain from your customers.

Thank Your Customers – Loyal customers are key to your business. Not only do they keep coming back but they also spread the word about your business to others. Loyal customers are happy customers and happy customers will tell their friends and family about you AND recommend your business. Make sure to thank your customers for choosing your business.

Recognize Customer Loyalty – If you have loyal customers – reward them! Whether they get a discount on their next purchase, a card in the mail or swag with your logo on it, customers are always happy to be recognized for choosing you over the competition!

customer service tips

These are our top customer service tips for 2021!

Your answering service must know the client’s business and product and that is where we excel at Answer 365. Customer service is what we do best. We continually train our customers to ensure we provide accurate information and timely service 24/7. We understand just how important customers are to every business and we treat every client’s customer as our own. Get in touch today.

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