20 September 2021

Working from Home: 5 Tips for Staying Motivated

Over the past two years many of us have made the switch from working at the office to working from home. Whether it is a temporary change or a permanent move, working from home can be beneficial. You save time and money when your office is in your home! While the benefits of working from home are numerous, staying motivated can sometimes be a challenge.

With that in mind, here are our top 5 tips for staying motivated when working from home.

Get Ready for Work

Get up and get ready for the day just as you would if you were going to the office. Keep your routine the same. Chances are you will be attending online meetings, Zoom calls etc. It may be tempting to stay in your pajamas or skip the shower but it won’t help you get into a work mindset. Getting up and having breakfast and dressing for work will help you start your day off positively.

Home Office Space

When it comes to working from home, having a dedicated office space is critical to productivity. If you are working from the couch you may not be as motivated, the TV is just one click away!

The key is to create an office space that will minimize distractions and allow you to focus on your work. Whether it is a spare room or a dedicated area in your home, you are more likely to remain focused on your work when you have an “office” to work from.

Keep Your Schedule

Have a start and end time for work day, routine is important. Schedule calls and meetings during normal work hours and plan your day in blocks of time. Keep a clear list of work items or tasks that you need to complete during office hours. A calendar is a great way to stay on track and is a visual reminder of upcoming meetings, projects and deadlines.

Make sure you take regular work breaks and lunch breaks. Having a routine is important when working from home, it helps you break up your day and enjoy time spent “outside the office.”

When your work day is over, leave your office! Make time for the things you love outside of work.

Take a Break

When you take breaks during the work day make it a priority to step outside for fresh air, sunshine and maybe even a short walk. Stepping outside of your home office even for 10 minutes can give you more energy and help you stay motivated during the work day.

The key to taking scheduled breaks is to have your alarm set for taking breaks and for returning back to work. If you work from home it is really easy to lose track of time.

Communication is Key

Have a support system in place! You are not alone. Chances are your co-workers are also working from home. Check in with others who work from home and have a support system or network of people in place that you can share tips and strategies for working from home successfully. Touching base with others who are working from home is a nice way to stay motivated.

Working from home can be fun and productive! Staying on track and motivated during the day is easier when you have plans and strategies in place. We hope these tip for staying motivated when working from home help!

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